Salmon Card Holder
Salmon Card Holder
312 Water Street
312 Water Street
Vancouver BC V6B 1B6
- Material: PU leather with stainless steel case
- Measurements: 4" X 2 5/8" X 5/8" / 10cm X 6.5cm X 1.6cm
- Categories: Card Holder
- Totem Symbols: Salmon
- Styles: Canadian First Nations
The symbol of immortality and wealth, dependability and renewal. The Salmon is the life source, and is always treated with high regard and respect. Many First Nations cultures tell of the Salmon people living in the ocean, who offer their bodies as food to the human world and once their flesh is used they return home to put on new flesh and begin the cycle once again. Their stories teach to honour and respect what is given and to never be too greedy.
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